Overall, I am happy with with the goals I set so far, and feel much more focused than last year. But there is still more to reach for, especially in terms of finishing projects!
First, my skills checklist:
Machine quilting: I will improve my machine quilting repertoire including better free-motion quilting.
I got a walking foot to help with my straight line quilting in February (check!) but I still need to seek out resources for free-motion practice. Shelly is a great FMQ cheerleader- I just need to take a big breath and follow her advice. That will be coming up next as I finish some of these WIPs.
Applique: I will try at least 3 different applique methods this year.
I fused (check!), I needle-turned (check!) and I have a raw-edge applique project simmering on my mental design burner. It's been great to expand my applique skills and be inspired by my ability to incorporate this technique into my work.
Stash: I will strive to quilt exclusively from my stash unless I absolutely can't find a satisfactory option there. By the end of the year I will at least make space for my fat quarter boxes on my fabric rack.
I have definitely been doing a better job of reducing my fabric consumption, but I still have a long way to go before I can eliminate a stack of fabric from my shelves. I need to up my output and get more creative about using my stash to piece quilt backs in order to accomplish this goal.
Stash: I will work on at least 1 Leaders and Enders project this year to maximize my quilting time for the goal of using up my stash of scraps.
I have a L&E project underway (check!) I have pieced enough 4.5" four-patches for a queen sized quilt! Now to start piecing them together as I sew other quilts...
Stash: In the interest of giving back as well as stash busting, I will donate at least half of the 12 the quilts I make this year, or at least 6 quilts if I make more than 12.
I have finished 2 donation quilts, and started a third one. I'm a little behind to meet this goal, but only slightly. I'd be doing really well if I can finish two more this month, but I'd be happy if I finish the one donation quilt WIP.
Quilts to finish/ make
Here are my finished quilts so far this year.

- I haven't made as many quilts as I would like (I think I should aim for at least 2 per month!)
- I have finished a number of quits that were not on my January list
- I have a LOT of projects in underway that really need to be finished.
- I Spy Houses (started 2009) done 1/10
- 2 I Spy donation quilts 1 done 1/10, 1 done 4/10
- Pink Squares done 4/10
- R's mini quilt (quilted and ready to bind) done 7/10
- Baby quilt: floral log cabin (top done 3/10) done 7/10
- Stars & Strings tabletopper (started 2009, WIP) top done 7/10
- Baby quilt: "Sun Break" grey & orange rails (top finished 1/10) done 8/10
- Baby quilt: shirt scrap bricks done 7/10
- Baby quilt: spring strings (top done 3/10)
- Donation quilt: houses top done 8/10
- Bright Snowballs (started 2009, top done)
- Leaders & Enders
- Applique Flowers Wall Quilt top done 8/10
- Indian Summer
- Crumb Blocks
- Say Cheese Self-Portrait
- Stash Busting Bee International Log Cabin
- Baby quilt: boy blocks
- Baby quilts: 2 book stacks
- Baby quilt: bricks & stones
- NJ wedding gift - liberated wedding rings
- 2233 Pineapple
- Bento Boxes for S
- Leopard Roses
- Christmas quilts/ table runners
- Donation quilt for A's school auction
Wow, Alexis! You are so organized! Fun to see your finishes. I should make lists like that but I am a little scared of what I would uncover. LOL I did a finish challenge at the end of last year and I was amazed at how many quilts I could finish in a short amount of time because they were practically done! Just needed quilted or bound or just needed to add some borders. It felt so good to check those off the list and to enjoy the finished quilts. Great idea to do a mid year review and refocus. You sure have accomplished a lot and I am excited to see everything else you do this year! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a truly great idea, Alexis.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I always have my goals fixed in my head, one, two, three - there they are - you can read them yourself if you looked closely enough ;) But the thing is, I don't often look up to see them. Posting it on my white board to remind myself is a genius idea, and then adding reminders on my calendar - better still.
Thanks, oh brilliant one!