Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New to the Neighborhood

Here's the new addition in my neighborhood- I guess you could call it a new subdivision? I really like the quilting: diagonal lines 4 inches apart from left to right, and some randomly placed straight lines, double lines and a curve going the other way. Just the right balance of structure and regularity with spontaneity and fun. Kind of like what kids need, and perfect for the 6 month old this is going to!

Another fun new addition is the label I used for the first time on this quilt! Thanks to Trisha for the idea and template for these- they are printed on fabric sheets, rotary cut and sewn into the binding.
I have to say that the machine binding turned out pretty nicely this time... practice does make perfect. My mom was right! Now if I had only stuck with my bass lessons!


  1. Alexis, This quilt looks great! Nice finish! Pat yourself on the back, girlfriend! And practice does indeed help (and not just in quilting). Happy sewing!

  2. Cute neighborhood! I love the car parked in the garage. Your labels look great!

  3. Your quilts are so creative Alexis! One of these days I'll have to get up the courage to post my pictures of the blocks i've been working on all year....they're nothing as neat as your work!
