Thursday, August 5, 2010


I've been plugging along on finishing my big stack of quilt tops, sewing on borders, quilting and binding. And quilting and binding some more. It is great to see the stack shrink and send out finished gifts of love... but it is Boring.

I mean, I love the conception stage of quilting the best- the colors! The fabrics! The design! The throw it all to the wind and just start sewing and see what happens! None of that is involved in finishing. So... I am taking a break, and working on other WIPs that are somewhere in progress before the finishing stage. Ahhh, I feel like my creative lungs are breathing again!

I'm playing with my needle-turn applique blocks that I made this spring. I fooled around with different settings, and decided on putting them on point, like this:

I added some borders, using mostly the pink batik and orange and pink dots, and filling in with some others when I ran out. I love it when that happens! Being forced to include more fabrics spontaneously results in a much more interesting quilt!

Then I need to add some setting triangles. I've been obsessing over half-square triangles, so I decided on setting triangles made of triangles. WHOOO! I am having fun now!

Here's how it looked when I laid it all out late last night:

I am really excited because I finally figured out how to square up my HSTs so my points match. I know it's basic quilting, but it was a recent revelation for me! Unfortunately, I did the math myself for the size of the setting triangles, and now that I've assembled one of them, I realized I miscalculated. I always knew that awful 10th grade geometry teacher I had would do me no good! It's just a little too big, though, so now I get to add a little border around the block sashing. It's going to be smashing!

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